Dr. Ashley Gonzales, DC

Prenatal | Postpartum | Pediatrics

True health happens in the dance of adapting to and experiencing life. Through the chiropractic adjustment we have the ability to restore normal physiology, allow highest neurologic adaptation, and unleash the healing power we were innately born with.

In co-creating this practice, Dr. Ashley envisioned a space for mothers and children to come as they are; that when they walk through the door they may feel connected, welcomed, and heard. Dr. Ashley grew up in a small California town, married her beloved Ian, and is a mama to her sweet daughter born August 2023. She feels deeply inspired by the birth community here in the Upstate, and strives to help mothers feel seen and connected in these seasons of life.


  • Most women think of prenatal chiropractic when they are experiencing back pain, sciatica, round ligament pain, or other pregnancy-related symptoms.

    While we can certainly help get relief from those discomforts, we go a few steps further. We are focused on preparing your body for the best possible birth outcomes. Research shows that prenatal chiropractic care contributes to a more straightforward labor and birth with less pain and trauma for mom and baby as the nervous system is more primed for the big event.

  • You just brought a HUMAN into this world. Regardless of how baby made their way earthside, your body has gone through a series of physiological events over the last 40ish weeks. It’s going to take more than kegels and a 6-week thumbs up from a medical doctor to ensure you are in good health. Seeing a chiropractor after birth grants your body the ability to jump-start its healing process. Chiropractic care ensures proper blood flow to tightening ligaments, aligns the spine to allow proper communication within your nervous system, and, as an added bonus, can alleviate aches, pains, and other symptoms.

  • Rapid and essential brain development occurs in the first few years of life. Removing nervous system interference via gentle and specific chiropractic care can help set tiny humans up with a healthy foundation, giving them the ability to grow and thrive from the start. Dr. Ashley has extensive training and certifications to care for infants & children through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. Addressing any underlying stress will help them adapt better to their environment --therefore improving immune function, breastfeeding outcomes, sleep, digestion, & so much more

  • Everyday stress can overload your nervous system and cause tension to build up in your spine. Multiply this by the number of people in your home! With chiropractic care, the whole family can grow healthy & live well together.
    Regular chiropractic care has been shown to improve mood, energy & sleep. Balanced family = Happy Family!


    Thermography measures temperature differentials at each vertebral level to indicate inflammation present from nerve irritation and/or vertebral dysfunction. This allows us to get a baseline scan of the function of your spine as well as track improvement at regular intervals. This scan will also alert us to any areas that may need targeted intervention to achieve the desired results.


    Heart Rate Variability (HRV) measures the adaptability of the patient’s autonomic nervous system. Dysfunction stems from too little or too much nerve activation.

    Too little response and a person might suffer from depression or chronic fatigue.

    Too much response and a person might be anxious or temperamental.

    HRV gives us a window into how the patient's nervous system is functioning, what dysfunctional process might be present, and what interventions may be needed. Typically, we scan to get a baseline and at regular intervals during care to monitor your progress.