From Anxious to Ambitious: How NUCCA Changed My Life


In my early 20’s, I was a wreck, but you’d have never guessed it by looking at me. I had supportive friends and family, in peak physical fitness, and ate a clean diet. Under the surface, a different picture was painted. 

I suffered from depression, anxiety, weekly panic attacks, and chronic jaw, neck, mid-back, and low back pain. I distinctly remember thinking I was far too young to be feeling this way. Spoiler: I was right! A member at my gym was a local chiropractor who explained to me that any joint in the body can be adjusted, not just the back and neck, and that chiropractic care was about way more than pain management. At its core, Chiropractic is about rebalancing your nervous system to allow your body to heal properly and respond to our environment appropriately. Pain relief is a wonderful side effect! I was intrigued.

I began care with her a few weeks later and on the second visit, she adjusted my jaw (the temporo-mandibular joint). I was amazed! I hadn’t realized my jaw was holding onto so much tension, until it relaxed for the first time in years– since I was accidentally hit by a baseball bat 8 years prior. The next week she continued to adjust me. Not only did the pain and tightness reduce significantly, I instantly felt a drastic improvement in my exercise performance. My body worked better! 

About a month into care, she adjusted my upper cervical (upper neck) region and I broke into tears of relief. It felt a reconnection take place, a shift happening– as if my mind and body had reconnected. A greyscale view of the world lifted into bright vibrant colors! At that point, I knew my calling was to be a Chiropractor. I had to learn how to lift the metaphorical clouds hovering over people like me. After a few months of regular adjustments, I had minimal pain, no depression, no panic attacks, and manageable anxiety. 


Halfway into Chiropractic School, I was introduced to an approach known as NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association). The approach involves taking a focused look at your upper neck and how injuries to this area often affect your whole body and, especially, your mind! I was instantly fascinated by 3 main things: 

  1. The adjustment was very low force (no twisting or popping required).

  2. Pre 1st adjustment x-rays showing a measurable misalignment and Post 1st adjustment x-rays showing real time STRUCTURAL corrections.

  3. Measurable spinal improvements are often seen on lower back x-rays from NUCCA adjustments to the upper neck. 

The NUCCA approach was exactly the tool I was looking for to help me accomplish my goal of bringing others imprisoned by their own shadow into the light of the world around them!

There is a Latin phrase; Mens Sana in Corpore Sano which means “A Sound Mind in a Sound Body”. I am one of many examples of what a mind can do when its body is restored. You can be the next!


Nurturing Little Ones: Supporting Developmental Milestones through Pediatric Chiropractic Care